Eco village
The green and clean selfsustainable village
In the modern world of globalisation and the movement of people to the cities, sometimes we forget about the villages. The villages should have the same possibilities for clean water, modern waste management, heat and electricity. Gästrike återvinnare with its partners are taking the challenge to be a part of turning villages into Eco-villages. Gästrike återvinnare is working with this everyday at home in Sweden everyday and we know how to turn waste into value. Read about the concept of Eco-village and contact us for more information.
Eco-village – the three cornerstones
- A complete concept for a environmental solution for waste, water and energy. The concept caters to smaller communities.
- Safe and solid Swedish technology solutions for local implementation. Easy to use and easy maintenance.
- The staff for maintenance and operations is local citizens from the community. All training is performed locally in each community
Eco-village – the concept
Waste - a simple recycling station for a number of selected fractions can be part of the local community recycling or picked up and shipped to recycling centrals within a defined geographic area. Some fractions like metal, plastic or paper can even gene-rate a return profit. This is cost effective and great for the environment.
Water - simple and effective purifying technique that work for these areas specific needs. For example removing arsenic from the groundwater.
Sewage sludge - private sewers. We have local sewage solutions for smaller communities. We are able to recycle the phospherous to it gets back into the cycle again. We have different options from Swedish manufacturers for individual households , groups of households and small communities.
Energy -method based on methane gas extraction from landfills. The methane gas can be used to make a motor run which in turn produces electricity.
We strongly believe that together we can make the necessary changes that will make our planet last longer. The first step on how to get started is usually the most difficult. We know from experience what needs to be done and we also know that it takes time, so please don't hesitate so call us.