Expert advisors and project partners in Georgia
During 2018-2019 with the partnership of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, we were able to work with Georgia and primarily the Tbilisi Service group, who has the main responsibility of handling all the waste management in Tbilisi and its surrounding areas.
GÅ international relations has served as expert advisors and project partners in their efforts to strengthen and develop the Tbilisi Service Group sustainability endevour. Leading politicians and officials had the opportunity to visit Gästrike återvinnare and our region on two separate occasions. The first visit was spent looking at issues pertaining to recycling, sorting, logistics, organization and communication. 15 participants from Georgia and two separate from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency participated and the result was that Tbilisi service group would implement changes in several departments. A new communication strategy was developed as well as the procurement of New Volvo garbage trucks which would operate in Tbilisi for the first time. They also built
a new transfer station which would receive sorted garbage and they are also now carrying out a pilot project for sorting and recycling garbage in one area. In this area they will introduce underground containers and sort the garbage into three fractions. In this Pilot project Gästrike
återvinnare assisted with project knowledge, logistics and communication strategies.
The second visit was focused on issues pertaining to composting, biogas production, collection and treatment of food waste, landfill erection and the role the EU plays in the process of landfilling.
Tbilisi service group have conducted a technical study evaluation which enabled them to put out a procurement for the extraction of landfill gas and also through Gästrike återvinnares concept they will also now develop a recycling centre in Tbilisi. A "Job Shadowing programme" was also carried out, where the delegates from Georgia accompanied drivers, service personnel, customer service, the Hazardous Waste Group, Recycling Center staff for two days to learn the system and processes. The visit ended with the joint development of a pilot project which is now being carried out in Tbilisi.
Thanks to the successful work in 2018-2019 Gästrike återvinnare was offered to be a partner of a new project 2019-2022 to develop the first regional waste management plan in Georgia. Together with our partners Orchis, Keep Georgia Tidy and the Swedish Embassy, we assisted eight municipalities in the Khaketi region to develop a Regional waste management Plan in Georgia. The next step is to implement the waste management Plan in the region.
"You are part of our success and you have contributed a lot to our company's prosperity"
Vera Blagojević Waste Manager Director Cajetina, Serbia